Lobow's SPARK
Lobow's SPARK
From Darkness to Light: ADHD RESILIENCE w/Courtney Dedo
Buckle up and get ready for a raw but engaging episode. Today we chat with Canadian ADHD friend and survivor of abuse, Courtney Dedo. Courtney is yet another example of an ADHDer with amazing qualities that actually matter in life. She thinks outside the box, she loves to help others, and she is perceptive (just to name a few). Courtney backs up all of these amazing qualities with a great sense humor. It is for these reasons it is an honor to say Courtney…
You Are…Something for Someone.
Follow Courtney on TikTok @courtneydedo
Links to Courtney’s Facebook & Instagram listed below
Lobow’s SPARK is proudly supported by Terri Shubilla, Leo Guinan, Kirk Hofstrom, Casey Elliot, Sarah Delano, Justin Allingham, Blushing Crafter, Jamie Young, and Beth Jones.
Lobow’s SPARK has started a fundraising effort for Crisis Text Line. We have a goal of $19 per episode as $19 supports one person in their time of absolute crisis with their mental health. If you would like to donate through our fundraiser in titled “Lauren’s Infinity”, the link is listed below. https://www.classy.org/fundraiser/3638033
The Music in this episode was written by Guy Farmer. Look him up on Itunes!!
MERCHANDISE NOW AVAILABLE! This is a work in progress but tell me what you want, and I will make it happen! https://lobowspark.myshopify.com
Lobow's SPARK is sponsored by https://www.buildinpublicuniversity.com - A safe place to promote your content.